Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Lit/English 7
Due Wed. 2/3 - antonyms worksheet, page 16.
Wed. and Thursday 2/3 and 2/4  - Sentence unit test. Folders due on Thursday.
Thursday, 2/25 - drama vocab test - costuming - flashpot.
Costuming: The way the characters are dressed. Can be used to create mood, illusion, and set the piece in a particular time.
Plot: What happens in the story, may not be sequential. Has to hold the audience’s attention, visually interesting.
Theme: A universal truth about people – the things they do, the way they are, that can be applied to your life. Not a dippy moral.
Infer: A reasonable conclusion one can draw from facts or evidence given.
Aside: A character speaks directly to the audience. Through asides, characters in a play reveal directly to the audience their thoughts or other characters’ thoughts. Usually delivered in confidence pretending that other characters cannot hear.
Nota Bene, N.B.: Note well. Used to call attention to something important.

Flash-pot: A device that creates a burst of fire and smoke that creates a magical effect.