Monday, February 1, 2016


Lit 8 - Due Wednesday, 2/3 - adjective worksheet, page 11.
Lit 6 - Due Tuesday, 2/2, Antonyms worksheet, page 17. Students should use the vocabulary on pages 15 and 16 to complete the asignment.
Lit 6 - Thursday, 2/25 - nonfiction vocab test. Humorous commentary - anecdote.
Humorous commentary: Writing that contains amusing personal observations or opinions to help readers look at life a little less seriously.
Analytical essay: A short nonfiction composition that breaks down a big idea into parts. Helps the reader understand how the parts fit together and what they mean as a whole.
Tribute: A literary expression of gratitude or admiration to honor a special person. Describes a person’s traits.
Facts: Statements that can be proved true with reliable sources. Can be verified.
Opinions: Beliefs or judgments. Not subject to verification.
Character traits: The qualities that make a person, or even an animal, an individual.
Memoir: A biographical piece usually written by a relative or personal friend of the subject. Can be one person’s recollection or based on interviews and anecdotes of several people.
Anecdote: Brief story about an interesting, amusing, or strange event.