Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Lit 8 - Wednesday, 4/3 - poetry vocab test on connotation - rhythm.
Lit 6 - Wednesday, 4/3 - journal check. Students should have 4 entries. I went over them today in class.
Lit 6 - Wednesday, 4/17 - myth vocab test on "legend" and "myth."

Myth Vocabulary
·        Traditional story about the past
·        based on real people/events
·        passed down by word of mouth.
·        Details increasingly exaggerated.
·        Have fantastic details, larger than life characters, amazing feats.
·        Reveals culture's attitudes/values.
·        Stories about gods and heroes.
·        Deals with right/wrong.
·        Explains world in human terms.
·        Explains natural occurrences.