Thursday, December 19, 2019


English 7 - Friday, 12/20 - Pronoun unit test. Folders are turned in at time of test.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


***English 7 - Friday, 12/20 Pronoun unit test. Please note that if you are leaving before Friday, 12/20, you must make arrangements with me to take the test before you leave for Christmas break.
English 8 - Monday, 12/16, Pronoun unit test.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


English 8 - Pronoun unit test has been moved to Monday, 12/16/19.

Thursday, December 5, 2019


English 8 - Thursday, 12/12 - Pronoun unit test. Folders are due at time of test.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Lit 8 - Thursday, 12/5 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending
Lit 7 - Thursday, 12/5 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol
English 7 - Thursday, 12/5 - Test on relative pronouns (Open-book and open-notes)

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Lit 6 - Wednesday, 12/4 - Journal check.
8/27 - Rules
9/10 - Our society vs, Jonas's. This was a chart
9/18 - Job?
10/3 - Release? 1/2 page
10/16 - Letter
10/23 - Diary
11/12 - Music?
11/13 - Difficult People?
11/21 - Photograph? Picture story
Lit 7 - Thursday, 12/5 - Novel vocab test on Climax - symbol
Lit 8 - Thursday, 12/5 -short story vocab on Oxymoron - Surprise ending
English 7 - Thursday, 12/5 - test on relative pronouns. This will be open-book and open-notes.

Monday, December 2, 2019


Lit 6 - Tuesday, 12/3 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.
Lit 6 - Wednesday, 12/4 - journal check. I will go over all of the journal entries with the class tomorrow.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 12/5 - nonfiction vocab test on climax - symbol.
Lit 8 - Thursday, 12/5 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Monday, November 25, 2019


Lit 6 - Tuesday, 12/3 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 12/5 - novel vocab test on climax - symbol.
Lit 8 - Thursday, 12/5 short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Lit 8 - Thursday, 12/5 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 12/5 - novel vocab test on climax - symbol.
Lit 6 - Tuesday, 12/3 nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Monday, November 18, 2019


Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/19 - essay test on Poe. Students should study their notes on Poe.

Friday, November 15, 2019


English 8 - Monday, 11/18 - test on relative pronouns.
Lit 6 - Tuesday, 12/3 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 12/5 - novel vocab test on climax - symbol.
Lit 8 - Thursday 12/5 - short story vocab on oxymoron - surprise ending

Thursday, November 14, 2019


English 8 - Monday, 11/18 - test on relative pronouns.
Lit 8 - Thursday, 12/5, short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Oxymoron: Figure of speech in which opposite or contradictory ideas or terms are combined for a certain effect. (Bittersweet, horribly good.)
Connotation: An emotional impact of a word or phrase beyond its literal meaning.
Science Fiction: A literary genre that deals with people or worlds that do not exist in our reality. Based loosely on scientific principles.
Flashback: A literary device where an event from the past is inserted into the present. Seems as if it is happening in present time. Shows how the present is influenced by the past.
 Chronological Order: The order in which events actually occur in time.
Foreshadowing: A device where the author gives clues that hint at later events in the story. Makes surprise endings more believable.
Red herring: False clue meant to mislead.
Foil: Anyone serving to set off/contrast someone different or superior.
Symbol: Something that has meaning in itself and also stands for or represents something else. (American flag – patriotism, Dove – peace, Crucifix – our faith)

Lit 7 - Thursday, 12/5, novel vocab test on climax - symbol.

Climax: That point in the story where you know that the dilemma has been resolved.
Denouement: What happens as a result of the dilemma being resolved.
Antagonists: Forces creating the dilemma. Must have both positive and negative forces or there is no dilemma. They can be a person, thing, situation, or belief.
Theme: A universal truth about people – the things they do, the way they are, that can be applied to your life. Not a dippy moral.
Parable: Short tale that illustrates a universal truth, a belief that appeals to all people.
Foreshadowing: A device where the author gives clues that hint at later events in the story. Makes surprise endings more believable.
Symbol: Something that has meaning in itself and also stands for or represents something else. (American flag – patriotism, Dove – peace, Crucifix – our faith)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


***English 8 - I have changed the test on relative pronouns to Monday, 11/18/19.***

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


English 8 - Thursday, 11/14 - test on relative pronouns.
Lit 6 - Reminder - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Friday, November 8, 2019


Lit 6 reminder: Tuesday, December 3 - Nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Literature 6 - Tuesday, December 3, nonfiction vocab test - biography - humorous essay:

Biography: The story of someone’s life told by someone else. The subject is known and of interest to other people. Tells you the facts of the subject’s life and explains what these facts mean.
Narrative essay: A short nonfiction composition that tells a story that may focus on a character other than the writer.
Descriptive essay: A short nonfiction composition that uses vivid sensory details to describe people or places.
Personal essay: A short nonfiction composition that gives an informal account of an episode from a person’s own life.
Reflective essay: A short nonfiction composition that presents a writer’s thought about ideas or experiences.
Persuasive essay: A short nonfiction composition where a series of arguments are presented to convince readers to believe or act in a certain way.
Humorous essay: A short nonfiction composition meant to amuse readers. Writers sometimes create humor by contrasting the reality of the situation with the character’s mistaken views of what is happening.

Monday, November 4, 2019


Lit 6 Tuesday, 11/5 - Nonfiction vocab test on genre - autobiography.

Friday, November 1, 2019


Lit 6 reminder - Tuesday, 11/5 - nonfiction vocab test on genre - autobiography.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Lit 6 reminder: Tuesday, Nov. 5 - Nonfiction vocab test on genre - autobiography.
English 7 - Tuesday, 10/29, test on personal pronoun chart. Students have to fill in the pronouns under the "Singular" and "Plural" columns.
1st person:

2nd person:

3rd person:

he, she, it
hers, its, his
him, her, it

Monday, October 21, 2019


English 7 - Reminder: Tuesday, 10/22 - noun unit test. English folders are due at time of test and count as a test grade.
Literature 6 - Reminder - Tuesday, November 5, nonfiction vocab test on genre - autobiography.

Friday, October 18, 2019


English 7 - Tuesday, 10/22 - Noun unit test. Folders due at time of test.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


English 7 Tuesday, 10/22, Noun unit test. Folders are due at time of test. I will go over the folder requirements with the class today.
Literature 6 reminder - Tuesday, 11/5, nonfiction vocab test on genre - autobiography.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


English 8 - Thursday, 10/10 - test on personal pronoun chart.
1st person:

2nd person:

3rd person:

he, she, it
hers, its, his
him, her, it

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Lit 7 - Friday, 9/27 - Journal check. Students should have 4 entries.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Lit 7 - Thursday, 9/26, novel vocab test on genre - dilemma.
Friday, 9/27 - Journal check. Students should have 4 entries.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Lit 8 - Wednesday, 9/25 - short story vocab test on protagonist - title.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 9/26 - Novel vocab test on genre - dilemma.
Lit 7 Due Friday, 9/27 - Journal check:
8/27 - Survive?
8/30 - Land?/Fly?
9/10 - Survive?
9/24 - Character Traits

Monday, September 23, 2019


Lit 8 - Wednesday, 9/25, short story vocab test on Protagonist - title.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 9/26, novel vocab test on genre - dilemma.

Friday, September 20, 2019


Lit 8 - Wednesday, 9,25 - short story vocab test on protagonist - title.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 9/26 - novel vocab test on genre - dilemma.

Monday, September 16, 2019


Lit 8 - Wednesday, 9/25, short story vocab test on protagonist - title.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 9/26, novel vocab test on genre - dilemma.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Lit 8 - Monday, 9/16, Journal check on 4 entries:
9/3 Fit in?
9/9 Mean?
9/10 Gift?
9/12 Change?

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Lit 8 - Wednesday, 9/25 - short story vocab test on protagonist - title.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 9/26 - novel vocab test on genre - dilemma.

Monday, September 9, 2019


English 7 and 8:
Tuesday, 9/10 - test on nominative case uses for nouns: subject, subject complement, direct address, and apposition.

Friday, September 6, 2019


English 7 - Tuesday, 9/10 - Test on nominative case uses for nouns: subject, subject complement, apposition, and direct address.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Lit 8 - Wednesday, 9/25 - Short story vocab test on protagonist - title:

Short Story Vocabulary
Protagonist: The main character of the story. Can be one person or a group of people. Always faces a dilemma and present in the climax. Always has some revelation or realization that he needs to have.
Dilemma: A struggle between opposing forces. The conflict can be internal or external. It’s often a problem the protagonist needs to solve or a realization that he needs to have.
Climax: That point in the story where you know that the protagonist has resolved his dilemma. It must be a direct quote from the story. The protagonist must be present in the climax.
Denouement: What happens as a result of the protagonist solving his dilemma. Not every story has one.
Antagonists: Forces upon the Protagonist creating his dilemma. Must have both positive and negative forces or there is no dilemma. They can be a person, thing, situation, or belief.
Theme: A universal truth about people – the things they do, the way they are, that can be applied to your life. Not a dippy moral.
Characterization: A drawing of three-dimensional characters that include looks, personality, character traits. In a short story it needs to be done quickly.
Plot: What happens in a story. Limited in a short story.
Setting: Where the story takes place. Includes description and sensory images.
Title: Name of the story. Often an important key into the meaning of the story.

Lit 7 - Thursday, 9/26 - Novel vocab test on genre - dilemma:

Novel Vocabulary
Genre: A group, type, or classification of Literature. (Novel, Poetry, etc.)
Plot: What happens in a story. Multiple plots and subplots in a novel
Setting: Where the story takes place. Includes description and sensory images. Multiple settings in a novel.
Title: Name of story. Often an important key into the meaning of the story.
Characterization: Drawing of three-dimensional characters including looks, personality, character traits.
Dilemma: A struggle between opposing forces. The conflict can be internal or external. It’s often a problem the protagonist needs to solve or a realization that he needs to have.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


English 8 - Due Wednesday, 9/4, Handout exercises 1 and 2.
English 7 - Due Wednesday, 9/4, Handout exercises 1 and 2.

Friday, June 7, 2019


Summer reading can be found on the school web page under the literature link. Have a great summer and God bless.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Friday, May 24, 2019


Lit 6 - Tuesday, 5/28 - Journal check.
English 7 - Verb unit test is now scheduled for Friday, 5/31.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Lit 6 - Tuesday, 5/28, journal check. Students should have 6 entries.
Lit 8 - Wednesday, 5/29 - Poetry vocab test on alliteration - stereotype.
English 7 - Wednesday, 5/29 - Verb unit test.

Monday, May 20, 2019


Lit 8 - Tuesday, 5/21 - journal check. Students should have 6 entries. Wed. 5/29 - vocab test on alliteration - stereotype.
Eng 8 - Thursday, 5/23 - verb unit test.
Lit 6 - Tuesday, 5/21 - groups 1, 7, 5, and 2 will present Cinderella plays.
Wednesday, 5/22 - groups 3, 6, and 4 will present plays.
Lit 7 - Wednesday, 5/22 - Groups 1, 7, 4, and 2 will present original dramas. Thursday, 5/23 - groups 3, 6, and 5 will present original dramas.

Thursday, May 16, 2019


Lit 6 - Memorize parts for plays next week. These were written in class. Groups 1, 7, 5, and 2 will perform on Tuesday, 5/21. Groups 3, 6, and 4 will perform on Wednesday, 5/22.

Monday, May 13, 2019


Lit 6 - Tuesday, 5/14, vocab test on folktale and fable.
Lit 8 - Wednesday, 5/29, poetry vocab test on alliteration - stereotype:

*Alliteration: The repetition of an initial consonant sound in two or more words in a phrase. Picked to enhance meaning.
*Onomatopoeia: The use of a word or phrase that actually imitates or suggests the sound of what it describes. (Buzz, Whir)
* Symbol: Any person, place, or thing that has meaning in itself and also stands for or represents something else. (Flag – nation, Dove – peace.
*Parallel structure: The repetition of a grammatical structure. ( Example on pg. 556 & 565)
Lyric poetry: Poetry that expresses the poet’s thoughts and feelings. Creates a mood through vivid images, descriptive words, and the musical quality of the lines.
*Sensory language: Language that appeals to the senses.
Free verse: Poetry with irregular rhythms and varied line lengths. Free of traditional forms of poetry. Similar to regular speech.
Concrete poetry: Poetry in which the shape of the poem on the page resembles the subject of the poem.
Stereotype: an oversimplified mental picture or judgment.

Friday, May 10, 2019


Lit 8 - Monday, 5/13 - poetry vocab test on rhyme - imagery.
Lit 6 - Tuesday, 5/14 - vocab test on folktale and fable.

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Literature 6: Vocab test has been changed to Tuesday, 5/14.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Lit 8 Monday, 5/13 - Poetry vocab test on rhyme - imagery.
Lit 6 - Monday, 5/13 - vocab test on folktale and fable.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Lit 8 - Monday, 5/13, poetry vocab test on rhyme - imagery.
Lit 6 - Monday, 5/13 - vocab test on folktale and fable.

Friday, May 3, 2019


Lit 8 - Monday, 5/13 - poetry vocab test. Rhyme - imagery.
Lit 6 - Monday, 5/13 - vocab test on folktale and fable.

Thursday, May 2, 2019


Lit 8 - Monday, 5/13 - poetry vocab test on rhyme - imagery.
Lit 6 - Monday, 5/13 - vocab test on folktale and fable.

Monday, April 29, 2019


Lit 6 - Monday, 5/13 - Vocab test on Folktale and fable.

·        Communicates values/ideals.
·        Composed orally.
·        Passed by word of mouth.
·        Anonymous.
·        Has heroes, amazing feats of strength or daring.
·        Solves problems.
·        Uses repetition to make easy to remember.
·        To be authentic, must have at least two versions
·        Teaches lessons at end of story.
·        Short.
·        Underdeveloped characters, situations, conflicts.
·        Animals act like humans.
·        Points out our human failings/weaknesses.

Lit 8 - Monday, 5/13 - poetry vocab test on rhyme - imagery.
Rhyme: The repetition of sounds in words that appear close to one another in a poem.
End Rhyme: The repetition of sounds in words which occurs at the end of two or more lines.
Refrain: A word, phrase, line, or group of lines that are repeated regularly in a poem.
Infer: A reasonable conclusion one can draw on clues or evidence given.
Figurative language: Language that is meant to be interpreted imaginatively, not literally. (I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.)
*Simile: A comparison between two basically unlike things using the words "Like" or "AS." (She is like the sun.)
*Metaphor: A direct comparison between two unlike things saying something is something else. Doesn’t use "Like" or "As." (She is the sun.)
*Extended metaphor: A comparison that makes more than one continued point of comparison.
*Imagery: The use of vivid language to describe people, places, things, and ideas. Creates a mental picture. Suggests how things look and also how they sound, smell, taste, and feel.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Lit 6 - Wednesday, 4/17 - Vocab test on "legend" and "myth."

Monday, April 15, 2019


English 7 - Tuesday, 4/16 - test on tense and voice.
English 8 - Tuesday, 4/16 - test on tense and voice.
Lit 6 - Wednesday, 4/17 - vocab test on "Legend" and "myth."

Friday, April 12, 2019


English 8 - Tuesday, 4/16 - Test on tense and voice.
English 7 - Tuesday, 4/16 - Test on tense and voice.
Lit 6 - Wednesday, 4/17 - vocab test on "legend" and "myth"

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Lit 7 - Due Thursday, 4/11 - Proofreading page 71, top and bottom.
Lit 6 - Wednesday, 4/17 - Myth vocab test on "legend" and "myth."

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


Lit 6 - Wednesday, 4/17 - Myth vocab test on "legend" and "myth."

Monday, April 8, 2019


Literature 8 - Due Tuesday, 4/9 - Journal check. Students should have 7 entries. I went over them today in class.

Friday, April 5, 2019


Lit 6 - Due Monday, 4/8- Proofreading page 35, top and bottom
Lit 6 Wednesday, 4/17 - myth vocab on "legend" and "myth."
Lit 8 - Due Monday, 4/8 - proofreading page 123, top and bottom.

Thursday, April 4, 2019


Lit 6 Due Monday, 4/8 - Proofreading page 35, top and bottom.
Lit 6 - Wednesday, 4/17 - myth vocab test of legend and myth.
Lit 8 0 Due Monday, 4/8 - Proofreading page 123, top and bottom.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Lit 8 - Wednesday, 4/3 - poetry vocab test on connotation - rhythm.
Lit 6 - Wednesday, 4/3 - journal check. Students should have 4 entries. I went over them today in class.
Lit 6 - Wednesday, 4/17 - myth vocab test on "legend" and "myth."

Myth Vocabulary
·        Traditional story about the past
·        based on real people/events
·        passed down by word of mouth.
·        Details increasingly exaggerated.
·        Have fantastic details, larger than life characters, amazing feats.
·        Reveals culture's attitudes/values.
·        Stories about gods and heroes.
·        Deals with right/wrong.
·        Explains world in human terms.
·        Explains natural occurrences.

Monday, April 1, 2019


Lit 8 - Wednesday, 4/3 - poetry vocab test on connotation - rhythm.

Thursday, March 28, 2019


Lit 8 - Wednesday, April 3, poetry vocab test on connotation - rhythm.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Lit 7 - Thursday, 3/28 - drama vocab test on soliloquy - euphemism
Lit 8 - Wednesday, 4/3 - poetry vocab test on connotation - rhythm.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Lit 7 - Thursday, 3/28 - drama vocab test on soliloquy - euphemism.
Lit 8 - Wednesday, 4/3 - poetry vocab test on connotation - rhythm.

Monday, March 18, 2019


English 8 - Wednesday, 3/20 - Adjective unit test during literature class. Folder is due at time of test.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 3/28 - drama vocab test on soliloquy - euphemism.
Lit 8 - Wednesday, 4/3 - poetry vocab test on connotation - rhythm.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


Lit 7 - Due Friday, 3/15 - Journal check. Students should have 5 entries.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Lit 7 - Due Thursday, 3/14 - Proofreading page 75, top and bottom.
Lit 8 - Wednesday, 4/3 - Poetry vocab test on connotation - rhythm.

Poetry Vocabulary
Connotation: Emotional impact attached to words beyond their literal meaning.
Paraphrase: Putting something into your own words. In poetry, you lose the musical quality and rhyme
Prose: The ordinary form of written language. Everyday speech.
*Personification: Giving human qualities or characteristics to inanimate objects or animals.
Narrative poem: A poem that tells a story in poetic form. Contains plot, setting, characters, etc. Relies on rhythm and rhyme. Organized in stanzas.
Stanzas: Groups of lines that form units in a poem.
 Ballad: A Narrative poem that tells a simple and dramatic story. Intended to be sung or recited. Has strong rhythms and rhymes.
*Juxtaposition: The placing of two images or ideas side by side allowing the reader to make the comparison. Not a direct comparison.
Rhythm: A pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in the lines of a poem. Usually contributes to meaning.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Lit 6  - Due Wednesday, 3/13 - Proofreading page 31, top and bottom.
Lit 7 reminder - Thursday, 3/28 - Drama vocab test - soliloquy - euphemism.

Friday, March 8, 2019


Literature 7: Thursday, 3/28 - drama vocab test on soliloquy - euphemism.

Soliloquy: A speech in which a character talks to himself or the audience and reveals what he is thinking. Longer than an aside.
Scrim: A light, semi-transparent curtain.
Protagonist: Main character of a story, can be one person or a group of people.
Conflict: A struggle between opposing forces. Can be internal or external.
Parody: A humorous mimicking of a serious piece of literature.
Flashback: A literary device where an event from the past is inserted into the present. Seems as if it is happening in present time. Shows how the present is influenced by the past.
Foreshadowing: A device where the author gives clues that hint at later events in the story. Makes surprise endings more believable.
Euphemism: A nice way of saying something that is not usually nice (fat = big bones).

Thursday, March 7, 2019


Lit 7 - Due Friday, 3/8 - Paragraph titled "Kiss." Students should ask a parent if he or she is allowed to kiss someone before being engaged. This ties in to our reading of a play based on Anne Frank's diary. It must be typed and double-spaced.
English 7 - Friday, 3/8 - Adjective unit test.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Lit 7 - Due Tuesday, March 12 - Essay titled "Where Was God During the Holocaust?"  It should be at least three paragraphs, typed, and double-spaced. Students should write about why God did not seem to answer the people's prayers during the Holocaust.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


English 7 - Friday, 3/8, adjective unit test. Folders are due at time of test.

Monday, March 4, 2019


Literature 6 - Tuesday, 3/5 - journal check. Students should have 10 entries.

Thursday, February 28, 2019


Lit 6 - Tuesday, 3/5 - Journal check. Students should have 10 journal entries. I went over them today in class.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


English 7 - Wednesday, 2/6 - Sentence unit test. Folders are due at test time.
English 8 - Thursday, 2/7 - Sentence unit test. Folders are due at test time.

Friday, February 1, 2019


Lit 8 - Monday, 2/7, Journal check. Students should have 5 entries.
English 7 - Wednesday, 2/9, Unit test on sentences.
English 8 - Thursday, 2/10, Unit test on sentences.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Lit 7: Thursday, 1/31, drama vocab test on costuming - flash-pot.
Lit 8: Monday, 2/4, journal check. Students should have 5 entries.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Lit 6 - Thursday, 1/24 - nonfiction vocab test on humorous commentary - anecdote.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 1/31 - drama vocab test on costuming - flash-pot.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Lit 6 - Thursday, 1/24 - nonfiction vocab test on humorous commentary - anecdote.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 1/31 - drama vocab test on costuming - flash-pot.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Lit 6 - Thursday, 1/24 - Nonfiction vocab test on humorous commentary - anecdote.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 1/31 - Drama vocab test on costuming - flash-pot.

Friday, January 11, 2019


Lit 7 - Due Tuesday, 1/15 - Proofreading page 73, top and bottom.
Lit 6 - Thursday, 1/24 - nonfiction vocab test on humorous commentary - anecdote.
Proofreading, page 29, due Monday, 1/14.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 1/31 - drama vocab on costuming - flash-pot.s:

Thursday, January 10, 2019


Lit 6: Due Monday, 1/14, proofreading page 29, top and bottom.

Lit 6 - Thursday, 1/24 - nonfiction vocab test on humorous commentary - anecdote.
Lit 7 - Thursday, 1/31 - drama vocab on costuming - flash-pot.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Lit 7 - Thursday, 1/31. drama vocab test: costuming - flash-pot.

Costuming: The way the characters are dressed. Can be used to create mood, illusion, and set the piece in a particular time.
Plot: What happens in the story, may not be sequential. Has to hold the audience’s attention, visually interesting.
Theme: A universal truth about people – the things they do, the way they are, that can be applied to your life. Not a dippy moral.
Infer: A reasonable conclusion one can draw from facts or evidence given.
Aside: A character speaks directly to the audience. Through asides, characters in a play reveal directly to the audience their thoughts or other characters’ thoughts. Usually delivered in confidence pretending that other characters cannot hear.
Nota Bene, N.B.: Note well. Used to call attention to something important.
Flash-pot: A device that creates a burst of fire and smoke that creates a magical effect.

Monday, January 7, 2019


Lit 6 Reminder: Thursday, 1/24, nonfiction vocab test on humorous commentary - anecdote.

Thursday, January 3, 2019


Lit 6 - Thursday, 1/24, nonfiction vocab test on humorous commentary - anecdote.

Humorous commentary: Writing that contains amusing personal observations or opinions to help readers look at life a little less seriously.
Analytical essay: A short nonfiction composition that breaks down a big idea into parts. Helps the reader understand how the parts fit together and what they mean as a whole.
Tribute: A literary expression of gratitude or admiration to honor a special person. Describes a person’s traits.
Facts: Statements that can be proved true with reliable sources. Can be verified.
Opinions: Beliefs or judgments. Not subject to verification.
Character traits: The qualities that make a person, or even an animal, an individual.
Memoir: A biographical piece usually written by a relative or personal friend of the subject. Can be one person’s recollection or based on interviews and anecdotes of several people.
Anecdote: Brief story about an interesting, amusing, or strange event.