Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Literature 6 - Wednesday, 11/12 - nonfiction vocab test - Genre - autobiography. Students were given the vocab handout yesterday in class. It is also posted on the school web site under the literature link. On the test, students will be given the word only, and they must write out the definition.
Nonfiction Vocabulary
Genre: A group, type, or classification of Literature. (Short Story, Poetry, etc.)
Letter: A written communication from one person to another. In personal letters writer shares information, thoughts, and feelings with one other person.
Journal: A daily account of events and the writer’s thoughts and feelings about those events.
Media accounts: Reports, explanations, opinions, and descriptions written for television, radio, newspapers, and magazines.
Essay: A short piece of nonfiction in which a writer presents a personal view of a topic.
Expository essay: A short, nonfiction piece that explains or gives information about a topic.

Autobiography: The story of a person’s life written by that person. Includes key events of a person’s life and reveals his struggles, values, and ideas.