Literature 7 - Tuesday, February 1, drama vocab test on genre - dialogue.
Literature 7 - Tuesday, February 1, drama vocab test on genre - dialogue.
Literature 6 - Journal check on Wednesday, 1/26 - Students should have 7 entries. I went over them today in class.
Literature 7 - Tuesday, February 1, drama vocab test on genre - dialogue.
Literature 7 - Wednesday, 1/19/22 - Journal check:
10/5 - Secrets
10/12 - Land/Fly
10/16 - Survive
10/22 - Inner-strength
12/7 - Reputation
12/14 - Chains
1/14 - Future
Drama Vocabulary
Genre: A
group, type, or classification of literature (Drama, short story, etc.).
Characterization: The developing of three-dimensional characters: not just
what the person looks like, but who they are on the inside, what kind of person
they are, what they stand for and believe. A good author shows you the
personality through what a person says and does.
Casting: Picking the right person for the role.
Setting: Not just where and when the story takes place, but all of
the visual details that make up the look of the drama. Limited by time, space,
and money.
Staging: Creating the illusion of the setting.
Director: The person who translates the drama from the written word
in to visual.
Dialogue: The words the character speaks.
Dear 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students,
In the event of inclement weather, I will post assignments on google classroom, not on my blog. God bless. Mrs. Costanzo