Friday, December 16, 2022


  Literature 6 - Wednesday, January 11 2023 Nonfiction vocab test on humorous commentary - anecdote.

Literature 7 -Wednesday, January 11. 2023 - Drama vocab test on genre - dialogue.

Literature 8 - Wednesday, January 11, 2023 Short story test on irony - caricature.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


 Literature 6 - Wednesday, January 11 2023 Nonfiction vocab test on humorous commentary - anecdote.

Literature 7 -Wednesday, January 11. 2023 - Drama vocab test on genre - dialogue.

Literature 8 - Wednesday, January 11, 2023 Short story test on irony - caricature.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


Literature 6 - Wednesday, January 11 2023 Nonfiction vocab test on humorous commentary - anecdote.

Literature 7 -Wednesday, January 11. 2023 - Drama vocab test on genre - dialogue.

Literature 8 - Wednesday, January 11, 2023 Short story test on irony - caricature.

Monday, December 12, 2022


***Scroll down to see 8th grade assignment.

 Literature 6 - Wednesday, January 11 2023 Nonfiction vocab test om humorous commentary - anecdote.

Humorous commentary: Writing that contains amusing personal observations or opinions to help readers look at life a little less seriously.

Analytical essay: A short nonfiction composition that breaks down a big idea into parts. Helps the reader understand how the parts fit together and what they mean as a whole.

Tribute: A literary expression of gratitude or admiration to honor a special person. Describes a person’s traits.

Facts: Statements that can be proved true with reliable sources. Can be verified.

Opinions: Beliefs or judgments. Not subject to verification.

Character traits: The qualities that make a person, or even an animal, an individual.

Memoir: A biographical piece usually written by a relative or personal friend of the subject. Can be one person’s recollection or based on interviews and anecdotes of several people.

Anecdote: Brief story about an interesting, amusing, or strange event.

Literature 7 -Wednesday, January 11. 2023 - Drama vocab test on genre - dialogue:

 Genre: A group, type, or classification of literature (Drama, short story, etc.).

Characterization: The developing of three-dimensional characters: not just what the person looks like, but who they are on the inside, what kind of person they are, what they stand for and believe. A good author shows you the personality through what a person says and does.

Casting: Picking the right person for the role.

Setting: Not just where and when the story takes place, but all of the visual details that make up the look of the drama. Limited by time, space, and money.

Staging: Creating the illusion of the setting.

Director: The person who translates the drama from the written word in to visual.

Dialogue: The words the character speaks.

Literature 8 - Wednesday, January 11, 2023 Short story test on irony - caricature.

Irony: Figure of speech in which the actual intent is expressed in words which carry the opposite meaning. Lighter than sarcasm.

Dramatic Irony: A contradiction between what a character thinks and what the audience or reader knows to be true.

Irony of situation: An event occurs that directly contradicts the expectations of the character or the reader.

Allusion: Reference in a work of literature to person, place, or thing in another work such as literature, music, history, painting, or mythology. Adds meaning to the story.

Willing suspension of disbelief: Reader voluntarily agrees to set aside what he knows to be true and accept what is presented as reality in the story.

Alliteration: Repetition of an initial consonant sound in two or more words of a phrase. Consonant is picked to enhance meaning. (Huge, hooting, howling, hissing, horrible, bellow)

Point of view: The way an author chooses to see and tell a story.

First-person narrative: A character tells the story referring to himself as "I" and presenting only what he knows about events.

Inference: Reasonable conclusion one can draw from facts or evidence given.

Caricature: The distortion or exaggeration of the peculiarities in a character’s personality. Often for humorous effect.

Monday, December 5, 2022


 Literature 8 - Tuesday, 12/6 - Journal check. Students should have 5 entries:

11/8 - "The Ninny"

11/9 - "Eve"

11/17 - Page 546, new 8th text, #1, 5, 6

12/6 - Page 296, new 8th text #6 a, b.

Friday, December 2, 2022


 Literature 6 - Monday, 12/5 - Journal check. Students should have 11 entries. I went over the specifics of each entry today in class.

10/11 - Persuasive essay

10/12 - Importance of Nature, 1/2 page

10/13 - Difficult People

10/25 - The Loch Ness Monster 1/2 page

11/3 - Page 51 - 6th grade text, # 1 or #2,  1/2 page

11/3 - Tolerance

11/7 Nature Poem - 12 line, rhyming poem about nature

11/15 - Help

11/16 - Advertisement - 1/2 page

11/21 - "Of Men and Mountains" - 1/2 page

12/1 - Cowboy/Cowgirl

Thursday, December 1, 2022


 Literature 6 - Monday, 12/5 - Journal check. Students should have 11 entries. I went over the specifics of each entry today in class.

10/11 - Persuasive essay

10/12 - Importance of Nature, 1/2 page

10/13 - Difficult People

10/25 - The Loch Ness Monste,r 1/2 page

11/3 - Page 51 - 6th grade text, # 1 or #2,  1/2 page

11/3 - Tolerance

11/7 Nature Poem - 12 line, rhyming poem about nature

11/15 - Help

11/16 - Advertisement - 1/2 page

11/21 - "Of Men and Mountains" - 1/2 page

12/1 - Cowboy/Cowgirl

Monday, November 21, 2022


 Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  

All vocab is also posted on the school website and in my Google Classroom. 

Literature 6 - Tuesday, 11/22 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/22 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Friday, November 18, 2022


  Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  

All vocab is also posted on the school website and in my Google Classroom. 

Literature 6 - Tuesday, 11/22 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/22 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Thursday, November 17, 2022


 English 7 - Friday, 11/18 - Test on the personal pronoun chart. See 11/15/2022 posting for the actual chart.

 Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  

All vocab is also posted on the school website and in my Google Classroom. 

Literature 6 - Tuesday, 11/22 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/22 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


 English 7 - Friday, 11/18 - Test on the personal pronoun chart. See 11/15/2022 posting for the actual chart.

 Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  

All vocab is also posted on the school website and in my Google Classroom. 

Literature 6 - Tuesday, 11/22 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/22 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


English 7 - Friday, 11/18 - Test on the personal pronoun chart:




1st person:












2nd person:












3rd person:




he, she, it



hers, its, his



him, her, it


 Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  

All vocab is also posted on the school website and in my Google Classroom. 

Literature 6 - Tuesday, 11/22 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/22 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Monday, November 14, 2022


 Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  

All vocab is also posted on the school website and in my Google Classroom. 

Literature 6 - Tuesday, 11/22 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/22 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Thursday, November 10, 2022


 Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  

All vocab is also posted on the school website and in my Google Classroom. 

Literature 6 - Tuesday, 11/22 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/22 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


 Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  

All vocab is also posted on the school website and in my Google Classroom. 

Literature 6 - Tuesday, 11/22 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/22 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022


  Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  

All vocab is also posted on the school website and in my Google Classroom. 

Literature 6 - Tuesday, 11/22 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/22 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Monday, November 7, 2022


 English 7 - Tuesday, 11/8 - Adjective unit test. Folders are due at time of test.  

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/8 - Journal check. Students should have the following entries:

10/11 - "Change the World"

10/17 - "Secret"

10/19 - "Real Me" 

10/25 - "Country"

10/26 - "Anger"

10/31 - "Tell" 1/2 page

11/3 - "Punishment" 1/2 page

11/7 - "Help" Has anyone helped you when you really needed it? 

Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  

All vocab is also posted on the school website and on my Google Classroom. 

Literature 6 - Tuesday, 11/22 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/22 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Friday, November 4, 2022


English 7 - Tuesday, 11/8 - Adjective unit test. Folders are due at time of test.  

English 8 - Monday, 11/7 - Test on pronoun chart:




1st person:












2nd person:












3rd person:




he, she, it



hers, its, his



him, her, it



Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  

All vocab is also posted on the school website and on my Google Classroom. 

Literature 6 - Tuesday, 11/22 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/22 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Thursday, November 3, 2022


English 8 - Monday, 11/7 - Test on pronoun chart:




1st person:












2nd person:












3rd person:




he, she, it



hers, its, his



him, her, it



Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  

All vocab is also posted on the school website and on my Google Classroom. 

Literature 6 - Tuesday, 11/22 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/22 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Climax: That point in the story where you know that the dilemma has been resolved.

Denouement: What happens as a result of the dilemma being resolved.

Antagonists: Forces creating the dilemma. Must have both positive and negative forces or there is no dilemma. They can be a person, thing, situation, or belief.

Theme: A universal truth about people – the things they do, the way they are, that can be applied to your life. Not a dippy moral.

Parable: Short tale that illustrates a universal truth, a belief that appeals to all people.

Foreshadowing: A device where the author gives clues that hint at later events in the story. Makes surprise endings more believable.

Symbol: Something that has meaning in itself and also stands for or represents something else. (American flag – patriotism, Dove – peace, Crucifix – our faith)



Please note: If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break early, please make arrangements with me to take the vocab test before you leave.  (Scroll down to see Literature 6 assignment.)

All vocab is also posted on the school website and on my Google Classroom. 

Literature 7 - Tuesday, 11/22 - Novel vocab test on climax - symbol. 

Climax: That point in the story where you know that the dilemma has been resolved.

Denouement: What happens as a result of the dilemma being resolved.

Antagonists: Forces creating the dilemma. Must have both positive and negative forces or there is no dilemma. They can be a person, thing, situation, or belief.

Theme: A universal truth about people – the things they do, the way they are, that can be applied to your life. Not a dippy moral.

Parable: Short tale that illustrates a universal truth, a belief that appeals to all people.

Foreshadowing: A device where the author gives clues that hint at later events in the story. Makes surprise endings more believable.

Symbol: Something that has meaning in itself and also stands for or represents something else. (American flag – patriotism, Dove – peace, Crucifix – our faith)

Literature 8 - Tuesday, 11/22 - short story vocab test on oxymoron - surprise ending.

Oxymoron: Figure of speech in which opposite or contradictory ideas or terms are combined for a certain effect. (Bittersweet, horribly good.)

Connotation: An emotional impact of a word or phrase beyond its literal meaning.

Science Fiction: A literary genre that deals with people or worlds that do not exist in our reality. Based loosely on scientific principles.

Flashback: A literary device where an event from the past is inserted into the present. Seems as if it is happening in present time. Shows how the present is influenced by the past.

 Chronological Order: The order in which events actually occur in time.

Foreshadowing: A device where the author gives clues that hint at later events in the story. Makes surprise endings more believable.

     Red herring: False clue meant to mislead

    .Foil: Anyone serving to set off/contrast someone different or superior.

Symbol: Something that has meaning in itself and also stands for or represents something else. (American flag – patriotism, Dove – peace, Crucifix – our faith)

Surprise ending: Unexpected twist at the end of a story that you did not predict. Must be believable. Use of foreshadowing to hint at the surprise so it is believable.

Literature 6 - Tuesday, 11/22 - nonfiction vocab test on biography - humorous essay.

Biography: The story of someone’s life told by someone else. The subject is known and of interest to other people. Tells you the facts of the subject’s life and explains what these facts mean.

Narrative essay: A short nonfiction composition that tells a story that may focus on a character other than the writer.

Descriptive essay: A short nonfiction composition that uses vivid sensory details to describe people or places.

Personal essay: A short nonfiction composition that gives an informal account of an episode from a person’s own life.

Reflective essay: A short nonfiction composition that presents a writer’s thought about ideas or experiences.

Persuasive essay: A short nonfiction composition where a series of arguments are presented to convince readers to believe or act in a certain way.

Humorous essay: A short nonfiction composition meant to amuse readers. Writers sometimes create humor by contrasting the reality of the situation with the character’s mistaken views of what is happening.

Monday, October 31, 2022


 English 8 - Tuesday, 11/1 - Adjective unit test. English folders are due at time of test.

Friday, October 28, 2022


 English 8 - Tuesday, 11/1 - Adjective unit test. English folders are due at time of test.

Thursday, October 27, 2022


 English 8 - Tuesday, 11/1 - Adjective unit test. English folders are due at time of test.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022


 English 8 - Tuesday, 11/1 - Adjective unit test. English folders are due at time of test.

Monday, October 17, 2022


 Literature 6 - Due Tuesday, 10/18/22 - Visual essay. A visual essay makes its point through photographs as well as words. Take a picture or find a picture on the internet of something in nature. Write a paragraph that gives a creative, thoughtful explanation of the picture. Make sure you have a title for your essay. It must be done on the computer and printed out. Make sure you have your name on the assignment. I have included an example below.

Angel Wings


Hovering in the air, with wings spread, it may look like a bird, but I know better. It is a messenger from Heaven, sent by God to remind us that we are always held protectively under His wing. Why do we worry so?

Thursday, October 13, 2022


 Literature 6 - Due Tuesday, 10/18/22 - Visual essay. A visual essay makes its point through photographs as well as words. Take a picture or find a picture on the internet of something in nature. Write a paragraph that gives a creative, thoughtful explanation of the picture. Make sure you have a title for your essay. It must be done on the computer and printed out. Make sure you have your name on the assignment. I have included an example below.

Angel Wings


Hovering in the air, with wings spread, it may look like a bird, but I know better. It is a messenger from Heaven, sent by God to remind us that we are always held protectively under His wing. Why do we worry so?

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


 Literature 6 - Due Tuesday, 10/18/22 - Visual essay. A visual essay makes its point through photographs as well as words. Take a picture or find a picture on the internet of something in nature. Write a paragraph that gives a creative, thoughtful explanation of the picture. Make sure you have a title for your essay. It must be done on the computer and printed out. Make sure you have your name on the assignment. I have included an example below.

Angel Wings


Hovering in the air, with wings spread, it may look like a bird, but I know better. It is a messenger from Heaven, sent by God to remind us that we are always held protectively under His wing. Why do we worry so?