Thursday, November 29, 2012

Literature 7 - Wednesday, December 19, 2012 - Pearl projects due. I have reviewed the requirements for this project with the class and have shown them examples of projects.
Literature 6:
Literature 6
Nonfiction Project
Due Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Students are to write a biography of an adult family member. It may be a parent, grandparent, aunt, etc. They should include the person’s name and the student’s relationship to the person, important events in the person’s life, his or her accomplishments, people and events that have shaped the person’s life, any advice he or she has for the young people of today, and goals for the future if the person is still alive. It should not be just a list of dates telling what has occurred in his or her life. Students should tell about the personality and character traits of the person and how he or she got to be that way. It should be a minimum of seven paragraphs. Each paragraph should have a minimum of five sentences.
·        One cover page with the title of their biography, the due date, Literature 6, and their name.
·        A minimum of seven paragraphs
·        12 point type size
·        Times new Roman font
·        Double spaced
·        Standard default margins

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Literature 8
Short Story Project
Due Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Students should write an original short story that includes a protagonist, antagonists, dilemma, climax, denouement, and theme. Students will have a packet with these details already worked out.
Three pages
One cover page with the title of their short story, the due date, Literature 8, and their name.
Two pages of typed text
12 point type size
Times new Roman font
Double spaced
Standard default margins
No bold type

Monday, November 26, 2012

Lit 8 - Due Tuesday, 11/27 - Antagonistic forces for original short story.
Eng 8 - Wednesday, 11/28 - Pronoun unit test. English folders are due at test time.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Literature 8 - Due Monday, 11/19 - Dilemma for original short story.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lit 8 - Due Wednesday, 11/14 - Protagonist for original short story.
English 7 - Due Friday, 11/16 - Pronoun unit take-home test, exercise 46old.
English 7 - Tuesday, 11/20 - Pronoun unit test - folder will be due at test time.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Lit 6 - Monday, 11/12 - Journal check:
8/29 Memories
9/18 - Rules
10/4 - Jonas
10/11 - Release
10/17 - Respect life (1/2 page)
10/25 - Letter
11/1 - Diary entry
11/7 - Bedroom (1/2 page)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Literature 8 - Due Thursday, 11/8 - Proofreading p.115 top and bottom.
English 8 - Thursday, 11/8 - Test on relative pronouns.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Lit 7 - Due Wed. ,Nov, 6 - Proofreading page 67 top and bottom.
Lit 6 - Wed., 11/7 - proofreading page 23 top and bottom.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Lit 8 - Due Tuesday, 11/6 - proofreading p.113 top and bottom.

Friday, November 2, 2012

English 7 - Tuesday, Nov. 6 - Test on relative pronouns. I will allow students to use their notes and books for the test.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lit 6 - Nonfiction vocabulary test - Thursday, Nov. 8. Genre - autobiography.
I give the students the words, and they must write the complete definition. I showed them the test today. I suggested that they use index cards to help them prepare. They should also be giving themselves pretests.
Nonfiction Vocabulary
Genre: A group, type, or classification of Literature. (Short Story, Poetry, etc.)
Letter: A written communication from one person to another. In personal letters writer shares information, thoughts, and feelings with one other person.
Journal: A daily account of events and the writer’s thoughts and feelings about those events.
Media accounts: Reports, explanations, opinions, and descriptions written for television, radio, newspapers, and magazines.
Essay: A short piece of nonfiction in which a writer presents a personal view of a topic.
Expository essay: A short, nonfiction piece that explains or gives information about a topic.
Autobiography: The story of a person’s life written by that person. Includes key events of a person’s life and reveals his struggles, values, and ideas.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lit 6 - Due Wed, 10/24 - proofreading p 19 - top and bottom.
Lit 8 - Due Wed, 10/24 - proofreading  p123 top and bottom.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Lit 7 - Tuesday, 11/6 - novel vocab test - climax - symbol.
Climax: That point in the story where you know that the dilemma has been resolved.
Denouement: What happens as a result of the dilemma being resolved.
Antagonists: Forces creating the dilemma. Must have both positive and negative forces or there is no dilemma. They can be a person, thing, situation, or belief.
Theme: A universal truth about people – the things they do, the way they are, that can be applied to your life. Not a dippy moral.
Parable: Short tale that illustrates a universal truth, a belief that appeals to all people.
Foreshadowing: A device where the author gives clues that hint at later events in the story. Makes surprise endings more believable.
Symbol: Something that has meaning in itself and also stands for or represents something else. (American flag – patriotism, Dove – peace, Crucifix – our faith)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lit 8 - Monday, 11/5 - short story vocab test - oxymorom - surprise ending.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Lit 6 - Monday, 10/22 Spelling test - mimicked - imperceptibly.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lit 6 - Monday, 10/15 - Spelling test - Luxuriating - dejected.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

English 8 - Tuesday, 10/9 - Test on the declension of the personal pronoun chart that is on the front of their pronoun unit notes. I showed the class what the test looks like, so they know what to expect.
English 7 - Friday, 10/5 - Test on the information in the personal pronouns chart that is on the front page of the pronoun notes that I handed out yesterday. I showed them the test yesterday, so they know what to expect.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lit 7 - Wednesday, 10/3 - Journal check
8/28 - Secrets
9/4 - Fly/Land?
9/14 - Survive
9/27 - Hope
10/2 - Inner-strength
Lit 6 - Tuesday, 10/9 Spelling test - admonition - carnage.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

English 8 -
10/1 Take-home test due, exercise 13old.
10/2 - Noun unit test. Folders are due at test time.
English 7 -
9/28 - Take-home test due, exercise 19 old.
10/2 - Noun unit test. Folders are due at test time.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

8th literature - Monday, 10/1 - Journal check:
8/30 - Story
9/10 - Fit In
9/13 - Mean
9/19 - Christmas
9/24 - Change
9/26 - Problems

Monday, September 24, 2012

Lit 6 Monday, 10/1 - Spelling test - torrent - hueless.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Eng 7 - Tuesday, 9/25 - Test on the objective case uses for nouns.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Eng 8 - Monday, 9/24 - Test on objective case uses for nouns.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lit 6 - Monday, 9/24 - Spelling test on next 12 words under section 2 of The Giver handout - indulgently - deftly.
Lit 7 Due Thursday, 9/20 - Proofreading page 63 top and bottom.
English 7 - Due Thursday, 9/20 - English handout exercise 7.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

English 8 - Due Wednesday, Sept. 19 in literature class - English handout exercise 5.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Lit 8 - Monday, 9/17 - short story vocab - protagonist - title.
Eng 7 - Due Tuesday, 9/18 - Handout exercise 5.
Lit 7 - Friday, 9/21 - novel vocab test - genre - dilemma.
Lit 6 - Wednesday, 9/19 - Spelling test First 12 words under Section 2 of The Giver vocab handout - reprieve - transgressions.

Monday, September 10, 2012

English 8 - Tuesday, 9/11 - Test on nominative case uses for nouns - subject, subject complement, direct address, apposition.
English 7 - Tuesday, 9/11 - Test on nominative case uses for nouns - subject, subject complement, direct address, apposition.
Lit 6 - Tuesday, 9/11 - Spelling test on words 13 - 24 on vocab handout for The Giver.

Friday, September 7, 2012

English 7 - Tuesday, 9/11 - Test on nominative case uses for nouns - subject, subject complement, direct address, and apposition.
Lit 7 - Friday, 9/21 - novel vocab test - genre - dilemma

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lit 6 -
Due Thursday, 9/6 - Proofreading handout page 15 top and bottom.
Tuesday, 9/11 - Spelling test on words 13-24 on The Giver vocab list - apprehensive - remorse.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lit/English homework

Lit 8 - Due Wed. 9/5 - Proofreading handout page 103 top and bottom.
English 8 - Due Wed. 9/5  - Handout exercise 3.
Lit 7 - Due w. 9/5 - Proofreading handout page 59 top and bottom.
English 7 - Due 9/5 - Handout exercise 3.

Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31

Lit 8 -  Sept. 17th - Short story vocab test. Protagonist - title.
Lit 6 - Wed. Sept. 5 - Spelling test on first 12 words from The Giver vocab sheet.